Tuesday, July 7, 2015

No Longer Annoyed

And everyone breathes a huge sigh of relief.


We got everything straightened out with the design center, concerning my previous rage-filled post about tile and the cost of tile and how much NVH wanted to charge us for said tile.

Mea culpa. Despite being a previous homeowner, I know nothing--absolutely NOTHING about tile, flooring, and what is required to install it.

I let my pitiful HGTV design education lull me into a sense that I actually knew something about anything. Which of course, I don't. After doing some research, I discovered that despite hardwood being part of the new build/renovation holy trinity (stainless, granite, hardwood), tile can be just as pricey per square foot, and even more expensive to install than hardwood. Basically, if we outsourced tiling the rec room post construction, we would save anywhere from a few hundred to zero, depending on the type of tile we picked out.

Which means that the builder wasn't exactly trying to price gouge us.

BUT, there were (imo) better and less expensive routes to flooring the rec room. Ultimately, we decided on engineered hardwood. We had it in our last home and loved it, never had any problems with it in regards to maintenance, upkeep, and appearance. It is level 1, so it won't be anything fancy, but having a fancy rec room isn't really a high priority for us anyway.

Crisis averted. :-)


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